Equilibrious Test Conclusion Announcement

Dear Soul Tamers,


The Equilibrious Test for Perfect New World has officially ended.


We extend our sincere appreciation to all participants of the Equilibrious Closed Beta Test for Perfect New World. Your overwhelming support and enthusiasm witnessed during this testing phase have been truly heartening.


Your voices mean a lot to us, the abundance of feedback generously shared by you is invaluable. Your insights and suggestions have become guiding lights, illuminating the path for enhancing gameplay and refining the overall experience.


Please stay closely connected with us on our social media platforms to stay up-to-date on the latest news and announcements. We wholeheartedly invite each Soul Tamer to persist in sharing feedback and suggestions through our Discord channel or our support email, helppnwonline@gmail.com. Your continued involvement is the very essence of our game's growth and refinement.


Once again, our heartfelt thanks for your dedicated participation and unwavering support during the Equilibrious Test. We eagerly anticipate reuniting with you in the next testing phase, enriched with new optimizations and thrilling features.


- Perfect New World Game Team